Learn Opposites Vocabulary Online. Opposites Words Unscramble And Write - 4

The letters are mixed in our Opposites online exercises. You should write the mixed English words of the Opposites correctly. So you can check your ability to write English words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

To Break - To Fix
oiexaor - ktbf t
To Depart - To Arrive
taprvaoe-e rr d tiot
To Lead - To Follow
laldoet oolo-wft
To Lose - To Find
nsdeoot oli-ft
To Marry - To Divorce
oirvcroa e- yotmd r t
To Raise - To Lower
ooiwsoa - eetrl r t
To Save - To Spend
evneoat dosp-st
To Sink - To Rise
snekoit osi-rt
To Throw - To Catch
oartooh - wcttc h t
Upstairs - Downstairs
ositrrpa s-ssadtn iwu
Vertical - Horizantal
ozcaaaei l-rlnhti trv
Victory - Defeat
ftryiod c eta-ev
Vowel - Consonant
on t-olnow seacnv
Water - Land
-arnat delw
Wealthy - Destitute
sthuyetd a teli-etw
Whisper - Scream
rmerhps i csa-ew
Wide - Narrow
w- i rrdnoeaw
Win - Lose
li-eno sw
Windy - Calm
-iylan mdcw
Yes - No
ne-so y