Learn Opposites Vocabulary Online. Opposites Words Unscramble And Write - 4

The letters are mixed in our Opposites online exercises. You should write the mixed English words of the Opposites correctly. So you can check your ability to write English words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

To Break - To Fix
t xeo -bokrai ft
To Depart - To Arrive
e rpttr diovreaao- t
To Lead - To Follow
o la -o lwo edlftot
To Lose - To Find
o ds - lo oenftit
To Marry - To Divorce
te vro o-mrocyari dt
To Raise - To Lower
t wio e-rroeaso lt
To Save - To Spend
o nv -d so aeestpt
To Sink - To Rise
o en - so iksrtit
To Throw - To Catch
t tro c-thowhoa ct
Upstairs - Downstairs
dsstio a-tiprsarsw nu
Vertical - Horizantal
hlraco n-ttealiazr iv
Victory - Defeat
ecrf- ti oytedav
Vowel - Consonant
swt ocoeo l-nnnav
Water - Land
dt laea r-nw
Wealthy - Destitute
eauhs-t lee tyttdiw
Whisper - Scream
cier- sh prmesaw
Wide - Narrow
od-warein rw
Win - Lose
n se io-lw
Windy - Calm
mn cadi y-lw
Yes - No
s eo-ny