Learn Opposites Vocabulary Online. Opposites Words Unscramble And Write - 7

The letters are mixed in our Opposites online exercises. You should write the mixed English words of the Opposites correctly. So you can check your ability to write English words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Hardworker - Lazy
erwda-r rlykoza h
Give - Get
ev eit g-g
Furious - Hilarious
-rouiui hssao uirlf
Funny - Serious
snynuier-u sof
Friends - Enemies
-inern esms deief
Friendly - Angry
inera- lgydyrnf
Fresh - Stale
sehsrlta- ef
Freeze - Melt
ezerlme -etf
First - Last
lrtsitas- f
Fall down - Get up
nl pla -oeuwd tgf
Everybody - Nobody
yeyyrv -ooddbobne
Entrance - Exit
tarne- cientxe
Energetic - Tired
cegrn -tidieerte
Ecstatic - Distraught
sautcd- gisacthrttie
Dusk - Dawn
as kuwn d-d
Dirty - Clean
crytiale- nd
Delightful - Sorrowful
ulgoie-l wtslrfhfrou d
Delicious - Awful
slcie -owluiufad
Deafening - Silent
gaetfe -iinnnelsd
Day - Night
gy- ahtni d