Cars Online Exercises Write The Missing Letters To The Blanks In The Words Below - 2

In our English online exercises for kids, the letters of the Cars words letters are missing given. You must complete the missing letters and you will be able to check whether you have learned the correct English spelling of Cars words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Fuel Tank
Fuel T_n_
Dimmer Switch
D_ _ _e_ Sw_tc_
Hazard Flasher Switch
H_z_rd Fl_s_er Swi_c_
T_i_ _ _te
Header Panel
H_ _d_r_P_n_l
Wheel Cover
Wh_ _l _o_ _r
Car Headlight
Car H_adl_g_t
Interior Door Handle
In_er_or Door Hand_e
Side Tail Light
Sid_ _ _ail_Ligh_
Mi_ _o_
Halogen Headlight
_alogen _ea_lig_t
Brake Disc
Brake D_ _c
Front Bumper
Radia_ _r
Air Filter
Air Fil_ _r
Grille Assembly
Grill_ _ss_m_ly
Wheel Cover
Wh_ _l Co_ _r
Ti_ _
Suspension Spring
Sus_e_s_o_ S_r_ _g