Opposites Online Exercises Write The Missing Letters To The Blanks In The Words Below - 6

In our English online exercises for kids, the letters of the Opposites words letters are missing given. You must complete the missing letters and you will be able to check whether you have learned the correct English spelling of Opposites words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Order - Mess
Ord_r - M_ _ _
Opaque - Transparent
O_aqu_ _-_Trans_ar_nt
On Top - Bottom
_n_ _op_-_ _ottom
On - Under
On_-_ _nde_
On - Off
_n - _ _ _
Old Fashioned - Modern
Old_ _ashion_d_-_Mod_rn
Old - New
Near - Far
_ear _ _ar
Near - Distant
Ne_r - Dis_ _n_
Many - Few
Many_ _ _F_w
Male - Female
M_le - _em_le
Luminous - Dull
L_mi_ _ _s - D_ll
Lie Prone - Lie Supine
L_ _ Pron_ - L_ _ S_p_n_
Lazy - Active
Kind - Cruel
_ind - Cr_e_
In - Out
In - O_ _
Husband - Wife
Husba_ _ _ W_fe
High - Low
High _ L_w
Healthy - Unhealthy
He_l_ _y - Un_e_l_ _y
Hate - Adore
Hat_ - _ _or_