Amusement Park Online Exercises Write the correct letter to complete the word

In our online exercise the first two letters of the Amusement Park words have been deleted. The first two letters deleted are given at the top of the Amusement Park worksheet. Complete the missing Amusement Park words using the letters given here.

Alphabet vocabulary you will learn in these worksheets: Boat Swing, Jumping Castle, Train, Popcorn, Strength Tester, Ferris Wheel, Cotton Candy, Shooting Gallery, Roller Coaster, Merry Go Round, Food Court, Ticket Booth, Fun House, Freefall Tower, Cup and Saucer, Bumper Cars, Chair Swing, Haunted House, Go Kart, Amusement Park,

Bumper Cars

__mper Cars

Bumper Cars

Amusement Park

__usement Park

Amusement Park

Fun House

__n House

Fun House

Roller Coaster

__ller Coaster

Roller Coaster




Food Court

__od Court

Food Court

Ticket Booth

__cket Booth

Ticket Booth

Ferris Wheel

__rris Wheel

Ferris Wheel

Strength Tester

__rength Tester

Strength Tester

Merry Go Round

__rry Go Round

Merry Go Round

Chair Swing

__air Swing

Chair Swing

Shooting Gallery

__ooting Gallery

Shooting Gallery

Freefall Tower

__eefall Tower

Freefall Tower

Haunted House

__unted House

Haunted House




Go Kart

__ Kart

Go Kart

Boat Swing

__at Swing

Boat Swing

Cup and Saucer

__p and Saucer

Cup and Saucer

Cotton Candy

__tton Candy

Cotton Candy

Jumping Castle

__mping Castle

Jumping Castle

Correct - Incorrect