Have Got or Has Got, Haven't Got or Hasn't Got
Fill in the blanks with have got or has got. Fill in the blanks with haven't got or hasn't got

Free Printable Simple Present Grammar Worksheet
The Simple Present Tense Is A Verb Tense That Has Two Main Uses. We Use The Simple Present Tense When An Action Is Happening Now Or Happens Regularly Or Nonstop, Which Is Why It Is Sometimes Called The Present Tense. The Present Tense Is Formed By Using The Root Form According To The Person Or By Adding -S Or -Es To The End. Simple Present Grammar Worksheet. Free Printable Simple Present. Simple Present Grammar.

Free Printable Simple Present Grammar Worksheet
The Simple Present Tense Is A Verb Tense That Has Two Main Uses. We Use The Simple Present Tense When An Action Is Happening Now Or Happens Regularly Or Nonstop, Which Is Why It Is Sometimes Called The Present Tense. The Present Tense Is Formed By Using The Root Form According To The Person Or By Adding -S Or -Es To The End. Simple Present Grammar Worksheet. Free Printable Simple Present. Simple Present Grammar.

Simple Present
Simple Present Tense. Complete the sentences about what these people like or don’t like according to the chart below. Use the list of hobbies.

Present And Past Tense, Present Perfect Simple
Present And Past Tense, Present Perfect Simple

Simple Past Or Present Perfect Tense
Simple Past Or Present Perfect Tense