Extreme Sports Land Online Exercises Write the correct letter to complete the word

In our online exercise the first two letters of the Extreme Sports Land words have been deleted. The first two letters deleted are given at the top of the Extreme Sports Land worksheet. Complete the missing Extreme Sports Land words using the letters given here.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

_ _ x
Car Racing
_ _ r racing
_ _ ving
Extreme Skiing
_ _ treme skiing
Free Style Skiing
_ _ ee style skiing
Ice Climbing
_ _ e climbing
In Line Skating
_ _ line skating
Land Yachting
_ _ nd yachting
_ _ tocross
Mountain Biking
_ _ untain biking
Mountain Boarding
_ _ untain boarding
Rock Climbing
_ _ ck climbing
Sand Boarding
_ _ nd boarding
_ _ ootering
Snow Boarding
_ _ ow boarding
Snow Mobiling
_ _ ow mobiling
Speed Biking
_ _ eed biking
Speed Skiing
_ _ eed skiing
Street Luge
_ _ reet luge
Winter Trekking
_ _ nter trekking