Fruit Juice Online Exercises Write the correct letter to complete the word

In our online exercise the first two letters of the Fruit Juice words have been deleted. The first two letters deleted are given at the top of the Fruit Juice worksheet. Complete the missing Fruit Juice words using the letters given here.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Apple Juice
_ _ ple juice
Garnet Juice
_ _ rnet juice
Mango Juice
_ _ ngo juice
Peach Juice
_ _ ach juice
Lemon Juice
_ _ mon juice
Plum Juice
_ _ um juice
Cherry Juice
_ _ erry juice
Grape Juice
_ _ ape juice
Watermelon Juice
_ _ termelon juice
Strawbery Juice
_ _ rawbery juice
Pineapple Juice
_ _ neapple juice
Raspberry Juice
_ _ spberry juice
Kiwi Juice
_ _ wi juice
Pear Juice
_ _ ar juice
Orange Juice
_ _ ange juice
Banana Juice
_ _ nana juice