Recycling Energy Online Exercises Write the correct letter to complete the word

In our online exercise the first two letters of the Recycling Energy words have been deleted. The first two letters deleted are given at the top of the Recycling Energy worksheet. Complete the missing Recycling Energy words using the letters given here.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Eco Care
_ _ o care
Energy Consumption
_ _ ergy consumption
Eco Fuel
_ _ o fuel
Sustainable Technology
_ _ stainable technology
Go Green
_ _ green
_ _ ture
Green Innovation
_ _ een innovation
Solar Panel
_ _ lar panel
Electronics Recycling
_ _ ectronics recycling
Glass Recycling
_ _ ass recycling
Paper Recycling
_ _ per recycling
Metal Recycling
_ _ tal recycling
Plastic Recycling
_ _ astic recycling
Purified Water
_ _ rified water
Food Waste Recycling
_ _ od waste recycling
Green Energy
_ _ een energy
Natural Product
_ _ tural product
Air Pollution
_ _ r pollution
Waste Management
_ _ ste management
Recycled Goods
_ _ cycled goods