Learn Opposites Vocabulary Online. Opposites Words Unscramble And Write - 2

The letters are mixed in our Opposites online exercises. You should write the mixed English words of the Opposites correctly. So you can check your ability to write English words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

Afraid - Brave
d -bfiarv eraa
Beauty - Ugliness
y s-ueteuai snglb
Blunt - Sharp
- hltnupsarb
Borrow - Lend
w -loorrd enb
Bully - Friendly
- ruylllnfydieb
Careless - Careful
esus-alleera fr cc
Child - Adult
- dhdlitaulc
Clever - Stupid
r -sledvep ituc
Closed - Opened
d -oledson epec
Cry - Laugh
lagr- yuhc
Drama - Comedy
- oramadcymed
Empty - Full
- umytpflle
Giving - Getting
g -ginnivt gietg
Hot - Cold
codo- tlh
Inside - Outside
e -onddiss eiuti
Pass - Fail
- fia ssalp
Right - Left
- eithglftr
Simple - Complicated
e a-ciltipdmp celoms
Together - Apart
her-otregp ta at
Work - Play
- pao krlyw