Opposites Online Exercises Write The Missing Letters To The Blanks In The Words Below - 4

In our English online exercises for kids, the letters of the Opposites words letters are missing given. You must complete the missing letters and you will be able to check whether you have learned the correct English spelling of Opposites words.

English Dictionary; read, listen, write, learn.

To Break - To Fix
T_ Brea_ - T_ _ix
To Depart - To Arrive
_o_Depart_-_ _o_Arri_e
To Lead - To Follow
To_Lea_ _-_To_Fo_ _o_
To Lose - To Find
To Marry - To Divorce
To_M_ _ _y_-_To_D_vo_ce
To Raise - To Lower
_o Rais_ - _o _ow_r
To Save - To Spend
To Sav_ - To S_ _n_
To Sink - To Rise
To Throw - To Catch
To Th_ow - To _a_ch
Upstairs - Downstairs
Up_ta_r_ - Do_n_ta_r_
Vertical - Horizantal
Ver_ica_ _ Horizan_a_
Victory - Defeat
Vic_ory - D_f_a_
Vowel - Consonant
V_wel - C_ _s_ _a_t
Water - Land
W_ter - _ _n_
Wealthy - Destitute
Weal_hy - Des_ _ _u_e
Whisper - Scream
Whispe_ _-_Sc_e_m
Wide - Narrow
Wide - N_ _ _ _w
Win - Lose
Win _ Lo_e
Windy - Calm
Wind_ _-_C_lm
Yes - No
Yes - _ _